You are ready for them to begin their first lesson of the day. This is their best learning time. They have focused in on an English environment and have had a short time to adapt to the change from their last situation. This first lesson will include the most difficult material to be taught.
It will likely include listening and because listening and understanding are the most difficult, this is the best time to give your oral explanation.
How can you capture every child’s attention?
The first lesson needs to present something of interest.
It might be a song, verse, picture, map, or a video.
Most children are fascinated by machines or electronic equipment.
If you are using a textbook you have purchased it might be effective to display some part of it using the overhead projector.
Children relate to computers. When they sit down at a computer they give it their full attention, no matter what problems they may have.
Perhaps you are wondering how to include boring subjects such as phonics. If your lesson includes a listening phonetic lesson then this is the time to teach it. Using any of the teaching aids mentioned above or any others you may have, move into the difficult content.
Let’s suppose you are teaching rhyming words.
Have the students listen to a funny / interesting verse as you present a related teaching aid.
For Example:
Explain that Buzz and Click are friends, singing a song as they dance.
We’re glad we’re here
It’s good we came.
We’ll travel far
And play many a game.
See Also:
Our Children’s ESL Storybooks make ESL classes interesting!